Aluminum strip Price changes with the market,Here are some factors that influence prices.
8011 Aluminium strip, when used in combination with other materials, is ideal for making Aluminium cans. Every year, more than 700 million cans are sealed using Aluminium foil from Haomei
7075 aluminum alloy strip is not only applied in daily life but start to be applied in transpiration area with the development of technology, such as aerospace structural materials, and now it also enter into the field of auto development. Aluminum strip technology development become the trend of the times.
Nowadays, economy develops pretty quickly, so the drink industry. At the same time, the demand for aluminum alloy cans and rings also increased in a short time. Presently, there are many aluminum strip products manufacturers that engaged in the producing of aluminum alloy cans and rings in China. Here we will take 5182 aluminum alloy strip as example, to analysis the market of aluminum alloy materials in domestic.
Electronic and electrical appliances with aluminum strip with the development of the electronics industry is more and more concerned by…
50 mm thick aluminum strip belongs to the thick aluminum strip used in some industrial parts, such as shipbuilding and automotive manufacturing. Thickness of aluminum strip with alloy name plate, commonly distinction belongs to the aluminum strip specifications, can produce 0.018 mm above all is haomei aluminum thickness of aluminum strip, super wide super thick aluminum strip is the main product
6061 aluminum strip as one of the most widely used aluminum products, its production process and product quality requires strict control.6061 aluminum strip has excellent processing performance, good corrosion resistance, high toughness and deformation after processing, easy coating, good oxidation and other good features, after annealing can still maintain a good operational. Especially without stress corrosion cracking tendency, its excellent weldability, good cold workability
An extremely flexible reinforced aluminium strip flexible supply or extract ventilation ducting. Multi-ply aluminium and polyester laminate construction supported by a high tensile steel wire helix. Fire resistant.
To make aluminum lamp cap, first stamping and then tapping into spiral shape, thinner materials and to withstand the pressure. Therefore, the 3004 lamp cap 3004-O aluminum alloy strip need to be with high mechanical strength and uniform microstructure and deep drawing property. Currently signi aluminum use the flat ingot hot rolling for producing blank holder with 3004-O aluminum alloy strip. To make this 3004 O aluminum alloy strip, we have to control the composition of the material and cast rolling process, the high temperature uniformity of annealing and final annealing process, it have good deep drawing quality, enough strength, good formability.
Transformer aluminium strip according to utility cent different brand, specification and status. Brands are: 1060, 1050, 1060 a, 1060, 1070, 1060 a, 1070, state: O state. O said soft state, behind can use Numbers to express the degree of hardness and softness, and degree of annealing. Thickness between 0.08 3.00, referred to as: dry type transformer with aluminium strip and foil.