A shiny end, in many shapes and colors. Aluminium strip has exactly the properties that closures need.
aluminium offer 1060 aluminum strip for injection vial seals since long time ago, because 1060 strip is easy to make and cheap price, in many countries 1060 strip for injection vial is still very common, haomei aluminum could offer plain aluminum strip, lacquered aluminum strip, coated aluminum strip in color of golden, white, red, blue, black etc, one sides color, both sides lacquered etc.

Key features
Aluminium is impermeable to light and gas, it can be easily formed and it combines well with other materials.
We supply plain as well as lacquered strip and sheet made from alloyed aluminium in thicknesses ranging from 0.190 to 0.220 mm.
This high quality material can be used in conjunction with a wide range of lacquering systems to create functional and well-styled solutions for the catering industry and for domestic purposes.
Application areas
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